The University of Texas at Dallas
The University of Texas at Dallas
Nov. 28, 2022
Vice President for Student Affairs

Professional Development 

  • Dec. 2: Deadline to submit nominations for fall 2022 staff awards and recognition. You're encouraged to recognize colleagues who have demonstrated superior performance that has enhanced their departmental function. Nominations must be submitted using this form and cannot be accepted in other formats. Awards will be distributed during the division holiday lunch on Dec. 8.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • The DEI Community Engagement Committee is launching its spring 2023 DEI Book and Podcast Club. Participants will have the opportunity to read or listen and engage in meaningful and transparent dialogue centered around diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice topics. The spring book selection is The Privileged Poor by Anthony Abraham Jack, and the podcast series will feature a variety of episodes. To sign up for either experience, fill out this form by 5 p.m. Dec. 2. The first 25 staff to sign up will receive their book free. For questions or detail, email
  • Nov. 29: REAL Talk: The Model Minority. Join us to discuss the model minority and how it may impact our students, 3 p.m., SSA 12.471.
  • Dec. 9: REAL Talk: Celebrating the Holidays Across Cultures. 'Tis the season for cheer and joy! Join us for a discussion about holidays and how to support our community, 10:30 a.m., SSA 14.245.

  • Athletics Dec. 1: Women's and men's basketball vs. Howard Payne, 5:30 p.m., Activity Center.
  • Dec. 3: Women's and men's basketball vs. Sul Ross State, 1 p.m., Activity Center.
  • UTD baseball has again partnered with Wreaths Across America to help supply wreaths for the DFW National Cemetery this holiday season. If you would like to purchase a wreath for fallen hero, click here.
Dean of Students

Community Standards and Conduct

  • Activities and services for the week of Nov. 14: Students referred for BAIT (11), academic dishonesty (40). Hearings with students (2), student/staff meetings (17).

Health & Wellness Initiatives

Counseling Center

Student Engagement Initiatives

Intercultural Programs

Student Development

  • Nov. 29: Student Government Senate Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Galaxy Rooms.
  • Dec. 12: Late-Night Final Exam Breakfast, 10 p.m.-midnight, Dining Hall West. Staff volunteers are needed! Registration is open through Dec. 7. Sign up via EngageUTD.
  • Homecoming is planned for Feb. 15-18, and parade registration is now open. Contact or with questions.

Student Union

  • Dec. 1: Student Union-managed spaces (SU/SSB/SSA/SU mall) will be available for departmental booking at noon via the EMS reservation system for the spring semester (encompasses Jan. 2-May 13).

Student Volunteerism

  • November: Peanut butter and jelly donation drive benefitting the Comet Cupboard. Items may be dropped off at the Student Services Addition 12.324 (outside the Comet Card Office), Student Services Building first floor (near the front desk), Student Union first floor (near the TechKnowledgy Bar), Student Union second floor (outside Starbucks), and the Office of Student Volunteerism (SSA 14.431).
  • Nov. 30: Alternative Spring Break info session, 11 a.m.-noon.
  • Dec. 5: Alternative Spring Break info session, 2-3 p.m.
  • Dec. 7: Registration for Alternative Spring Break opens.

Student Transition Initiatives

Military and Veteran Center

  • Dec. 5: MVC Cord Ceremony, Galaxy Rooms, 6:30 p.m.

Student Transition Programs